Why I redid my blog!

Hello hello! Welcome to my brand new blog!!! This launch has been in the works for months, and I’m so happy it is finally here.

When I first launched my website early last year, I spent alllll my time working on my site trying to make it look perfect, but completely forgot to give the same love to my blog. It was incredibly basic, and I wasn’t excited for people to look at it. I wanted to start blogging a lot more in 2019, so I knew I had to step my game up and have something that I’m proud to direct people to check out! But, I had no idea how to design it and make everything work the way I wanted haha. I got in touch with my brand designer Bonnie from B is For Bonnie Design so she could help me out! She’s seriously THE BEST with this kind of stuff, and is an expert in ShowIt! After drafting something up (that was almost perfect first round!) she got to work creating the magic you see here. I am SO happy with how it turned out; I would have never been able to do it without her! If you’re looking for branding or a website (or both!), then you should get in touch. I seriously can’t say enough good things about her.

This is what my old blog looked like below. (Obviously, just the generic template with stock photos but you get it lol)


And of course, you already were on my blog to get to this post, but this is what it looks like now!

I’m so happy that I’m going to be blogging a ton this year, for a bunch of reasons. First, I’ve been photographing an insane amount in 2019, and I have SO MUCH work to share! When it comes to my Instagram, I only share maybe five photos max from a wedding or session within my feed, and that’s all you ever see. That makes me so sad! I want more people to be able to see the full range of work I’m doing (like receptions, indoor, dancing) that never makes it on my feed. I want people to see what it looks like to work with me from start to finish.

A big priority in the redesign was the sections that we created at the top. My old blog was just a simple page where you scrolled down and had 0 organization. Instead of having to scroll back for days, I wanted to make sure when people came to my blog, they could easily look through the topics they wanted to explore.

This year, I’m going to be focusing on educational content for my couples and my photographer friends out there! I feel like I’ve learned so much over the last four years photographing weddings, and I want to start sharing it with you all! If there’s anything specific you’d like to see from me, please feel free to put it in the comments below, DM me on Instagram or email me! – hello@sunshineshannon.com

I cannot wait to hear what everyone thinks!

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