Yosemite Engagement + Elopement | Part 2

Alright, Yosemite blog part 2!

I decided to split the blog up into two parts because I didn’t want it to take you 10 years to scroll through the pictures, and there were two different couples that modeled for the styled shoots! If you want to read a little more about the Yosemite workshop I attended, you can read part one here! . I might do a part 3, since we did a cozy outside cuddle session, which was also super adorable, but I’m thinking maybe I’ll split it up a little bit.

*Updates* This part isn’t really related to the post, but I just wanted to throw it in here because I feel like it. This is MY blog and I’ll do what I want! hahah. I’ve been really really horrible with blogging (aka, I don’t do it) but lately I’ve had a TON of blogging ideas, things I want to write about, and education I want to share with my clients. Plus, I seriously forgot how easy it is to prepare pictures for the blog with Blog Stomp , so now I just feel like I don’t even have an excuse. I even wrote out like 10 blog posts MONTHS ago, and haven’t done a single thing with them. Sometimes running a business is hard you guys, there’s endless amounts of things to do! But, I’m super motivated to get all this content out for you all, AND share my amazing clients from their sessions and weddings! Yay yay yay for all of that.

I’m also planning a blog revamp maybe within the next month or two. Right now, I’m just trying to be more consistent with it, so I’ll start with that before I go get crazy and make everything look pretty.

Okay! Enough side rants. Enjoy the pictures!

AND DON’T FORGET, I’m ALWAYS trying to go back to Yosemite to create some magic with you guys. So please do NOT hesitate to reach out! There’s so many spots I want to photograph there!!!


Sunshine Shannon Photography © 2024 All rights reserved | Design by Good Witch